[p19]christian schmutz............cschmutz@aol.com

Selfrefreshing structures






Saving of collective memory by society is undergoing a process of high acceleration. This prototypes aims to set up a structure that can correspond to this demand and to the increasing speed of urban changes. It deals with the storing of memory in physical or nonphysical structures, providing an environment where the element in terms of an urban quarter or even an architectural object can be adapted or even exchanged after a certain time.

Selfrefreshing structures will be able to implement various urban players of different ages that will constantly create a heterogenous and lively urban fabric.



At least on element is stage of the art, in terms of fashion, technique... It becomes a model within the structure to guarantee the refresh.


(Non)physical structure for collective memory, ie. a wall to "write" on or a database to leave an individual data like an image.


Quick response to spontaneous needs, through pluggin of according elements. In terms of size the elements can merge and separate with each other.


Leasing of a building site or of a structure for a restricted period.
